《死神凶盒》(Wish Upon) 即將 願望落凶 《詭娃安娜貝爾》賣座導演再次嚇實你

離奇死法隨時突襲  更勝《死神來了》系列

一個從垃圾堆中執返嚟嘅神奇音樂盒,竟然可滿足你七個願望?要錢有錢,要靚仔有靚仔,仲可以乘機詛咒篤眼篤鼻嘅小人……運氣嘅嘢話嚟就嚟,都咪話唔爽,不過學廣告話齋,借錢梗要還,咁借咗運又可以點樣還?《詭娃安娜貝爾》(Annabelle)賣座導演尊里安納提(John R. Leonetti)用最擅長嘅鏡頭語言營造懸疑驚恐氣氛,並以獨特手法呈現人性黑暗,透過最新力作《死神凶盒》(Wish Upon)「忠告」觀眾…還得到先好借﹗

《兒凶》系列‧《詭屋驚凶實錄》 恐怖片大導溫子仁御用攝影

尊里安納提可以講係恐怖片鬼才導演溫子仁嘅御用班底,曾經喺《兒凶》(Insidious)系列同《詭屋驚凶實錄》(The Conjuring)擔任攝影師,之後更執導《詭娃安娜貝爾》,嚇人功力毋庸置疑。今次就大玩創意死法,無奇不有,更勝《死神來了》(Final Destination)系列,加上全新演員組合:《詭屋驚凶實錄》新生代鬼后祖兒京治(Joey King)、《依法犯法》(The Lincoln Lawyer)型男賴恩菲臘(Ryan Phillippe)及《移動迷宮》(The Maze Runner)系列人氣韓裔男星李基弘(Ki Hong Lee),必定令影迷耳目一新!

打開寶盒 借你7個願望 唔止咒死對手 金錢愛情乜都有!

高中生嘉兒(祖兒京治 飾)一直活喺媽媽自殺嘅陰影之下,喺學校又遭受欺凌,生活十分不順。有日佢偶爾發現,爸爸(賴恩菲臘 飾)從垃圾堆中執返嚟嘅音樂盒可以幫佢實現7個願望,於是半信半疑嘅佢對住盒子許願。點知願望竟然一一成真,金錢、人緣、愛情……要乜有乜;同時,佢身邊人亦不可思議咁逐一死於非命。朋友懷恩(李基弘 飾)勸佢拋棄音樂盒,阻止禍害繼續發生,但佢唔想失去新生活。嘉兒一再打開盒子,卻從冇諗過最後一個死嘅,可能係自己……



In the latest thriller from the director of ANNABELLE, 17-year old CLARE SHANNON (Joey King) is barely surviving the hell that is high school, along with her friends MEREDITH (Sydney Park) and JUNE (Shannon Purser). So when her dad (Ryan Philippe) gifts her an old music box with an inscription that promises to grant the owner’s wishes, she thinks there is nothing to lose. Clare makes her first wish and, to her surprise, it comes true. Before long, she finally has it all: money, popularity and her dream boy. Everything seems perfect-until the people closest to her begin dying in gruesome and twisted ways. Now, with blood on her hands, Clare has to get rid of the box, before it costs her and everyone she loves the ultimate price.

Be careful what you wish for.
Release Date: TBC
Director:         John R. Leonetti
Cast:               Joey King, Ryan Phillippe, Ki Hong Lee, Mitchell Slaggert, Shannon Purser, Sydney Park, Alice Lee, Kevin Hanchard, Sherilyn Fenn
Rating:           TBC
Running Time: 90mins
Genre:            Horror, Thriller
Trailer         https://youtu.be/YtFkoh7Ih0A

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